Thanks to the original owners of the documents.EA2IG1 to 89+IH1 to 89+IH2 to 89+IG1 88-IH1 to 88-IH2 to 88-JZA70 EA2 Connector with Supra MA71 alternator and C1IG1 to Supra 89+ with B2 and B3 connectorsIH1 to Supra 89+ B1 and B3 connectorsIH2 to Supra 89+ with B2 and B3 connectorsIG1 to Supra 88- with M1 connectorIH1 to Supra 88- with L1, B1, B3 connectorsIH2 to Supra 88- with B1 and B3 connectors